That’s how much time you have to save your life. That’s the
story of the Oklahoma tornado.
Tornado Average warning time in the US is 14
minutes! As kelly Byrne reflected the next day for The Times: “If you have
never been through one, you don´t realize how quickly it happens... when there
are cars flying through the air, and trees and parts of houses, there’s only so
much you can do to hide from it”. She was able to hide her family in a
neighbor’s below-ground shelter and save their life.
People’s attention focuses on the Plaza Towers
Elementary School, where teachers used these 16 minutes to execute a plan they
had rehearsed with the children again and again. Schools built after the 1999
tornado include safe rooms, but older Schools like Plaza Tower do not. The
student filled into the innermost part of the school, away from the windows,
knelt and covered their heads. After the storm many children were trapped under
what had been school walls.
Thank God for first responders, the people from
the National Weather Service of Oklahoma and the radars and technology available
to predict events like this. When you read the story of what happened in Moore,
Oklahoma, what people did or couldn’t do to save themselves, was the result of
years of preparation for events like this. The difficult to built and expensive
shelters, proved to be indispensable. The procedures parents and teachers
learned to protect their children were a key element.
Many times, the storms in our lives hit us
suddenly. Our capacity to protect ourselves and our loved ones and the
resilience to recover, depend on how well we prepared ourselves before. The
Bible tells us that we should put our foundations on solid ground. The solid
ground is what really matters like our relationship with God, and how we live
out His principles in our lives.
“The words I speak to you are not incidental
additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. They
are foundational words, words to build a life on. If you work these words into
your life, you are like a smart carpenter who built his house on solid rock.
Rain poured down, the river flooded, a tornado hit—but nothing moved that house.
It was fixed to the rock.”Matthew 7:24-25
There are going to be storms in your life. Start
to prepare yourself now. When they hit, you will be prepared.
God bless you. Have a wonderful
"Forget what you've heard about Jesus if it doesn't begin and
end with love."
- David Phelps
"You know you've created God in your image when He hates all
the same people you do."
- Anne Lamotte
"God is too good to be unkind, too wise to be mistaken and,
when you cannot trace His hand, you can always trust His heart."
- Charles Spurgeon