Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tell yourself the truth

Renee Descartes ( XVII Century ) devoted his life to uncover the  clear and indubitable truth . He systematically doubted everything. To doubt everything is to think. He then reasoned that if he was thinking , surely  he existed. Hence the phrase that defines the thinking of Descartes : "I think, therefore I am" .
Marco Aurelio was another thinker. He was a Roman Emperor around 170 A.D. He also sought the truth . He discovered that human emotions are not just random products of circumstances , they are determined by the way you think. So, where Descartes said: "I think, therefore I am". Marco Aurelio would have said, "I think and so I determine my personality ".
"For as he thinks within himself, so he is." Prov. 23:7
We are creatures full of mental energy, emotional and physical. When we clear the irrationalities and lies of our thoughts and replace them with the truth we can live a satisfying life. A life that is rich and emotionally fulfilling.
Jesus said "I am the truth", and also "you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free".
The cause of our feelings is not necessarily those childhood or current experiences. Our feelings are caused by what we tell ourselves about our circumstances. It can be words or attitudes. What we tell ourselves can be true or false. If you repeat to yourself: “I'm a fool" or “I do nothing well”, you will start to believe it and you will act accordingly.
Erroneous beliefs are the direct cause of emotional storms , maladaptive behavior , and most so-called "mental illness". Erroneous beliefs usually appear as true for the person who is repeating them to him/herself. This is because there is almost always some truth in it and because the sufferer doesn't examine or question these assumptions. But we must realize that if it is a lie, it comes from hell and it is instilled in our minds by the devil himself. He does not want to risk being discovered, so he makes the lies look like truth to us. Words like: "I can not do anything right”, or “I always do " are good examples. You'll be more vulnerable to believe these statements, specially after making a mistake.
James 3:15 tells us where this self destructive conversation comes from. "That is not the wisdom that comes from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual  devilish." Negative and distorted statements that a person repeats, comes from the devil. Our immature nature accepts it without questioning and then, as spoiled food, these words create mental poison, painful emotional aches and pains. This deadly toxins diet ends up killing you. Paul says, "The mind of sinful man is death..." (Rom.8:6). God wants us to be able to have control over our feelings and our actions.
1. Misbelief: I must please people . My actions should not displease others or make them to disapprove me. This would be intolerable.
TRUTH: A healthy person does not have to fight for the approval of all those around him/her.
2. Misbelief: It would be terrible if nobody speaks to me at a social gathering. It would be terrible to be selfconcious and nervous.
TRUTH: I can enjoy wherever I go. I do not necessarily have to have someone to talk to, to have a nice time. Being by myself is not going to kill me.
3. Misbelief: Others may be happy, others may experience God, others may change their beliefs, others can be free of anxiety, depression and anger, but not me.
TRUTH: I can change my emotions like everybody else. I can adapt and be happy no matter the experience or circumstances in which I find myself . I can do it!
Homework: If you find yourself repeating similar misbeliefs, try to find the Truth that answers to that lie. Repeat the truth instead of your misbelief every time you remember it until the truth becomes part of your normal thinking.
Definition of happiness
Cheerful. Grateful. Friendly. Kind. Connected. With a clear mind.
Free to serve without unresolved outstanding issues.
Motivated to grow. Inspired. Inspiring. Generous. Laughing.
Able to play and live in the present.
To be happy I must be at peace with God, with others and with myself.

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